Wednesday, October 7, 2009

priceline cheap flight from San Francisco airport to Honolulu

priceline cheap flight from San Francisco airport to Honolulu?
i'm HOPING to get a flight ticket from San Francisco airport to honolulu for less then $200 from priceline...i want to schedule it for june 11th to june 28th (8 months from now) is that possible? normal prices average around $700... can i even go lower then $200? what do you think is minimum price? What were you're experiences and what do you think is the cheapest possible hotel i can get too but still nice enough to stay at doesnt have to be luxery status
Air Travel - 1 Answers
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Okay, about the air fare. I highly doubt you'll get a ticket for less than $500 minimum, even on price line. I would be shocked beyond belief if you did manage to pull that off. Check Hawaiian Airlines right now. I just looked for one person on the dates you specified. You can get a roundtrip for $810 + taxes. That's a great deal in my opinion. You are going to be trying to fly in a peak season, and the flights to Hawaii will be jammed packed. So I would go ahead and jump on that fare if you can. I work for an airline, and I see fares go way higher than this. Okay, so about the hotel. I just took a few days to get away and went to Hawaii. We stayed at the Outrigger Reef. It's actually in Waikiki and it's right on the beach. I paid about $150 a night (though I used my airline discount), and normal rates are about $200-250. It was a really nice room. Check out other great Outrigger locations throughout the island. If you're like me, and are only at the hotel at night to sleep, then you can find something cheaper that's away from the beach.

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