Thursday, January 7, 2010

Why are first class flights so expensive

Why are first class flights so expensive?
I was surprised that nobody has asked this question yet. I've noticed that there is a huge price difference between economy class flights and first class flights. Even between economy and business and business to first class is a big difference. For example, a round-trip flight from Honolulu to Tokyo is $1000 economy. However, a business class ticket is $5000 and a first class ticket is $9000. What in the world could they possibly offer that would want me to spend $4000 more for each step up? I am really curious. Anyone who has had experience with first class flights or even business class flights-I want to hear from you. Obviously, I have only flown economy in my experiences. I hear that some airlines offer exclusive lounges at airports. But what else could the flight have that would make me want to spend an extra $4000? Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks!
Air Travel - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
2 :
The food, wine and comfort (especially if sleeping) are far better on first class than on coach. The airlines target people who like to be pampered and for whom money is not important; either because they are outrageously rich or because somebody else (e.g., their employer = shareholders) pays.
3 :
i was once on business class. but we didnt pay for it, it was my dads company because my dad died so we needed to go to his hometown for his memorial and he was a big deal at his work. anyways i honestly dont know, i mean the seats were bigger a lot more comfyer, we got a meal, and the peanuts were warm and in a little bowl thing!
4 :
On air tran, if you get there and first class isnt filled you pay 60 bucks to upgrade... i think thats a pretty decent deal....
5 :
You get more legroom, good meals, free drinks and the stewardess talks to you. And, most important of all, these goodies are paid for by the people in Economy Class.
6 :
Its all supply and demand. Many of those 1st and business class tickets are paid for by the companies rather than the individuals. Those individuals who pay that much are so rich that the difference is not as important as the comfort.
7 :
Better food, better seats, alot more room, and much better service. First class is first class and people who can afford it buy the tickets. I flown first class once, I used miles to upgrade. It is awesome and If I could afford to fly it all the time I would, hope one day I will fly only first class. First class tickets and cargo is what makes airlines alot of their money. Normal tickets just help the flight break even.
8 :
Everybody else has already touched on the most important points: 1) you get what you pay for; you want better service/food/seat, you have to pay more for it. 2) it's usually companies that pay for the first class; not individuals. 3) they have to have something to upgrade you to when you've been kept waiting all day. 4) if first class is not filled, you can get upgraded for a nominal fee. 30 JULY 07, 0527 hrs, GMT.
9 :
I can understand why you think it's ridiculous - why would you pay thousands more for a bit better food, a larger seat and better service? It's a few hours of your life, what's the big deal? But as many have already said, it's often not the individuals themselves who are paying for the upgrade. If businesses see credit in upgrading their executive staff, they will. And the reason why first is always expensive is because quite often down the back of the aircraft, the airline will only just be breaking even when you take into account cheap fares that are being offered these days. Another way airlines make their money is cargo, which can make them a lot.
10 :
You're not only paying for the comfortable seats but also for all the service surrounding business/1st class (airline attendants, food, premium check in, lounge ect ect). Plus arriving a bit less grumpy to your destination can be a plus :) I guess it's really a personal choice to fly in upper classes and if it's worth all the money, but if you can afford it and splash out why not? :) If you just want to get from A to B, then economy would be worth it. I have flown in business and 1st class before and it was totally worth it, especially on 10 hrs plus flights, I was able to sleep properly and enjoy a bit more privacy. I guess it all depends what you want from the flight, and if you think spending $4000 more is worth it!

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